Home Remedy For Irregular Periods
With some science base evidence..here are some remedy
Ginger is used as a home remedy for treating irregular periods, but there isn’t any scientific evidence to show that it works. Ginger does seem to have other benefits related to menstruationTaking 750 to 2,000 mg of ginger powder during the first 3 or 4 days of your period has been shown to be an effective treatment for painful periods. Another study found taking ginger for seven days before a period of relieved mood, physical, and behavioural symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Ginger is a well-known treatment for irregular periods. It helps reduce menstrual cramps and body aches. It is effective for women who suffer from frequent delayed periods. You can have pre-made ginger tea or create your own. Simply put a teaspoon of ground ginger in a pot with a cup of water. Allow the mixture to boil for 7 to 10 minutes. You can add honey if you do not favour the taste of ginger. You can drink this tea three times a day with meals. You will experience changes in your periods soon enough.Fennel Seeds:
Fennel contains a substance called emmenagogue, which helps promote menstruation. Fennel seeds can also help relieve stomach cramps caused by menstruation.
You can create a fennel seed drink by adding two tablespoons of fennel seed in one cup of water. Leave it overnight and strain it in the morning. You can drink this once every day until your cycle becomes normal.Cinnamon:
Cinnamon appears to be beneficial for a variety of menstrual issues. A 2014 study found it helped regulate menstrual cycles and was an effective treatment option for women with PCOS, though the study was limited by a small number of participants. It has also been shown to significantly reduce menstrual pain and bleeding, and relieve nausea and vomiting associated with primary dysmenorrhea.Remedy:
Cinnamon is known to help reduce menstrual cramps and regulate the menstrual cycle. It contains hydroxy chalcone, it is said to help regulate menstruation. Cinnamon is one of the easiest natural remedies since you can simply sprinkle it on your food or drink. If you prefer, you can also chew on cinnamon sticks. You can do this every day since cinnamon is also known to help improve digestion.and also add in daily tea.Turmeric:
Turmeric can help balance hormones and regulate menstruation. It also contains anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties that can help relieve muscle and menstrual cramps.Remedy:
You can use this remedy by adding in a teaspoon of turmeric in honey or milk. Consume it daily for a month or until you notice a change in your cycle.Vitamins:
A study published in 2015 linked low levels of vitamin D to irregular periods and suggested that taking vitamin D may help regulate menstruation. Another study also found it effective in treating menstrual irregularity in women with PCOS. Vitamin D also has other health benefits, including lowering the risk of certain diseases, aiding weight loss, and reducing depression.Vitamin D is often added to some foods, including milk and other dairy products, and cereal. You can also get vitamin D from sun exposure or through supplementation.
B vitamins are often prescribed to women trying to conceive, and they may help regulate your period, but more research is needed to confirm these claims.B vitamins may also lower the risk of premenstrual symptoms. A 2011 study found that women who consumed food sources of vitamin B had a significantly lower risk of PMS. Another study from 2016 shows that women who took 40 mg of vitamin B-6 and 500 mg of calcium daily experienced a reduction in PMS symptoms.
Drink apple cider vinegar daily:
The results of a study published in 2013 showed that drinking 0.53 oz (15 ml) of apple cider vinegar daily may restore ovulatory menstruation in women with PCOS. More research is needed to validate these results, as this particular study involved only seven participants.Apple cider vinegar may also help you lose weight, and lower blood sugar and insulin levels. Apple cider has a bitter taste, which may be difficult for some people to consume. If you want to try taking it but have a hard time with the flavour, you can try diluting it with water and adding a tablespoon of honey.
These remedies can help improve and regulate menstruation. However, there are some cases that will require medical guidance. Irregular periods that are caused by an underlying condition, eating disorder, malnutrition and so on will require professional treatment.
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